Abdul Hakim, S.Pd.
Urin Suci Wahyuni, S. Pd
Implicit Biases
➢ What is bias?
Bias consists of attitudes, behaviours, and actions that are prejudiced in favour of or against one person or group compared to another.
➢ What is implicit bias?
Implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally, that nevertheless affects judgments, decisions, and behaviours. Bias happens when a person makes decisions based upon their personal stereotypes rather than looking at facts. Implicit biases are unconscious attitudes that can manifest in the workplace and school setting. There are many different examples of implicit biases, ranging from categories of race/ethnicity, gender, religion and sexuality.
Class : poor people are slow learners
Ethnicity : people from Java are calm and a quiet. People from east part of Indonesia are loud/rough.
Sex : women are bad derivers
Religion : Indonesian Muslims are dogmatic, non-Muslims are permissive
As educators we should work hard to understand and eliminate implicit biases in our teaching instruction. Removing these biases is a challenge, especially because we often don’t even know they exist. Schools need to provide supports for all students (e.g., English learners, homeless students and special education students). Educational institutions need to be responsible for individual differences. This will prevent learning behaviour and emotional problems. Several educators may not know that they possess
implicit biases. Educational institutions must manage unconscious biases in the work environment. Our schools must create fair and respectful environments.
➢ Ways to Eliminate Implicit Bias in Your Teaching Instruction
- 1. Allow time for students to get to know one another. Teachers should create time in their schedule for students to make friendships and collaborate with one another. this activity reduces prejudice and anxiety when people from different cultures are paired up. Students who have friends adjust to school better and feel protected.
- 2. Avoid Fixed Mindset. Carol Dweck did research on fixed mindset vs. the growth mindset. With a fixed mindset, you believe there’s nothing to learn and no way to grow. With a growth mindset, you see yourself as a work in pro
- 3. Evaluation of all media: We take in a lot of information from the med As educators, please filter that information to make sure it does not affect your classroom instruction. A lot of what we see and hear is biased.
- 4. As an educator, take the time and acknowledge holidays of all cultures of those students who you are teachin Provide an environment where students feel comfortable, valued, and appreciated.
Success classroom
- 1. Student engagement
Student engagement refers to the degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and passion that students show when they are learning or being taught, which extends to the level of motivation they have to learn and progress in their education.
Student engagement involves three dimensions:
- Behavioral engagement: focusing on participation in academic, social, and co- curricular activities
- Emotional engagement: focusing on the extent and nature of positive and negative reactions to teachers, classmates, academics, and school
- Cognitive engagement: focusing on students’ level of investment in learning.
2.1. Sense of belonging
The extent to which students feel that they are valued members of their school’s community.
Belonging can include feelings of understanding, respect, connectedness, membership, or mattering. Sense of belonging is influenced by the classroom and school culture as well as by individual actions taken by adults in the school so that students feel comfortable and calm in carrying out learning activities.
3. 1.Collaboration
Learning is collaborative effort between students and teachers. There is no learning, there is no teaching
Meaningful collaboration promotes the building of peer relationships, fosters peer interactions and by involving students in different discussions, it enables them to understand different perspectives, and to give and receive feedback. During these collaborations, students not only become more skilled at working with their peers but also working with other adults besides their teacher, while developing their online presence and being responsible in the use of digital tools for learning.
4.1.Differentiated instruction
Every student is unique. They come with different characteristics. Teachers, as leaders in the learning process, are required to be able to embrace these differences in characteristics and develop the potential of each student. Thus, there are no stupid students. It’s just that they haven’t found the right way to learn to develop their potential. One way to ensure that all students learn is through Differentiated Instruction (DI). DI is learning that is tailored to the needs of students with the aim of maximizing the potential of each student. DI is structured based on student differences that include learning readiness, interests, and learning profiles designed by differentiating content, process, and product.
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